The preamble to the Indian Constitution begins with the words, "WE, THE PEOPLE of India" and goes on to say that we resolve to constitute India into a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular Democratic Republic and secure to its citizens various rights. Later in the Constitution, various Fundamental Rights are provided to all the people of India and some even to others visiting or residing in India. Still later, the Constitution gives every adult citizen of the country the right to vote and also to contest elections and become a part of the government.
Vaguely speaking it does appear that the Indian state and the Indian government is for The People. Abraham Lincoln said, "of the people, by the people, for the people". But what does 'People' really mean? It appears so simple yet I find it utterly difficult to comprehend. As a civil servant am I supposed to serve all the people? Does it mean EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL? Is it possible? Is it practical? Is it justified?
I have loads of doubts. When some 'people' want to make a nuclear power factory on a place that would benefit some 'people' by providing them jobs and providing electricity to a lot more 'people', but displace some 'people' who had their homes there, which 'people' should I support? When some 'people' who rape a girl are very poor, are they victims or attackers? When parents want the best groom for their bride and are willing to spend lakhs of rupees to get a good groom, are the parents right or wrong? When two 'people' from different castes or religion want to get married, they offend the religious/social sentiments of a lot of 'people', which one should the government support?
When a riot breaks out, it is some 'people' killing some other 'people', so whom should the government protect and whom should it punish? Weren't the people who are killing are also kin of some other people who got killed? When an upper caste official feels that he is being discriminated because he is not promoted despite merit, is he right? When a tribal official is always discriminated that he has reached the post by reservation and not by merit, he is a gainer or a loser? When some 'people' want to preserve the Indian culture and so prevent other 'people' from wearing some particular costume, which 'people' is more important? Doubts galore.
When a riot breaks out, it is some 'people' killing some other 'people', so whom should the government protect and whom should it punish? Weren't the people who are killing are also kin of some other people who got killed? When an upper caste official feels that he is being discriminated because he is not promoted despite merit, is he right? When a tribal official is always discriminated that he has reached the post by reservation and not by merit, he is a gainer or a loser? When some 'people' want to preserve the Indian culture and so prevent other 'people' from wearing some particular costume, which 'people' is more important? Doubts galore.
Are 'women' people? Are 'tribes' people? Are 'businessmen' people? Are 'government officials' people? Are 'politicians' people? If they are all people, then how does one decide the State is for which people?
When a woman who has done well in education and earns a good salary in a good job, expects her maid servant to do all the household job for a petty sum, who is the woman who is being exploited? When a mother-in-law tortures the newly arrived daughter-in-law, who is the woman that one should support? When a newly arrived daughter-in-law refuses to take care of the old and sick mother-in-law, which woman should one listen to?
When a woman who has done well in education and earns a good salary in a good job, expects her maid servant to do all the household job for a petty sum, who is the woman who is being exploited? When a mother-in-law tortures the newly arrived daughter-in-law, who is the woman that one should support? When a newly arrived daughter-in-law refuses to take care of the old and sick mother-in-law, which woman should one listen to?
When a student of upper caste says that he thinks that he could not get into a job because people with inferior intellect got into job as they had 'reservations? and when a tribal boy says that he cannot get a job because everyone doubts his ability as he has come through 'reservations', whom should I support? When parents love their kids so much that they want to select their kid's marriage partners or when kids love someone so much that they want to run away from their parents, whom should one support?
When an enterprising man who understands all the tax laws, forest laws, mining laws etc and 'manages' to make a lot of money but another man who doesn't understand many laws and is forced to pay a lot of fees and taxes to the government, who is the right 'people' here? When a boy goes and slashes the girl's neck and drinks poison himself, who is more guilty?
Are the people who feel proud of being a Hindu or a Muslim more important? Or the ones who do not care at all provided they can lead a happy life? When a Hindu boy wants to marry a Muslim girl, is he bringing communal harmony or disturbing it? When a poor tribal kills a rich and enterprising business man, is he a poor tribal or a murderer? When the people who hate corruption in the country fabricate 'rent receipts' to claim HRA benefits in Income tax returns, are they against corruption or for it? When the same 'people' bribe the traffic policeman for not wearing a helmet or jumping a red light, is the traffic police corrupt or the 'people'?
I am very confused as to Who is the People that the government is accountable for? In a village, some people complained that the tap water promised has not begun as the motor has not been installed. On asking the sub-engineer, he said that attempts to install the motor has been hindered by tribal women beating officials with lathis. Which people should the government listen to? The ones who want tap water or the ones who don't want it?
Should one listen to the people who protest with candles near India Gate against corruption but think that giving poor food at cheap rates is a waste of money or should one listen to the poor who do not know where India Gate is but want cheaper food?
Doubts like these confuse me everyday. The government has to choose between two sets of people everyday and one is never sure if it is actually working 'for the people' or against it?
Should one listen to the people who protest with candles near India Gate against corruption but think that giving poor food at cheap rates is a waste of money or should one listen to the poor who do not know where India Gate is but want cheaper food?
Doubts like these confuse me everyday. The government has to choose between two sets of people everyday and one is never sure if it is actually working 'for the people' or against it?